Thursday 6 September 2012

WWE NXT Report 9/5/12


Dalton and Camacho start, and Dalton and Jordan immediate double-team him. Jordan keeps Camacho on the mat with power, but Camacho responds with a big spinebuster. Jordan gets isolated by Hunico and Camacho. Hunico shows surprising strength for his size, lifting Jordan off the mat with a pumphandle hold and body-slamming him. Jordan finally tags in Dalton, who takes Hunico down with speed. Dalton with a really amazing move, reversing a flapjack into a huracanrana into a roll-through into a cover for a nearfall. The ref gets distracted by Jordan, letting Hunico land a brainbuster for the win, as Camacho keeps Jordan from breaking up the tag.

WINNERS : Hunico & Camacho 


Langston just demolishes Donovan, finishing him with a sort of cutter from a body slam position, if a cutter involved holding the waist instead of the neck.

WINNER : Big E. Langston 

SETH ROLLINS vs. JINDER MAHAL – Gold Rush Tournament Final match

Rollins quickly takes down Mahal in an early lock-up, and then repeats it. Mahal needs a rope break to get away, and uses it to sucker punch Rollins and take control. Rollins continues to outwit and out wrestle Mahal, until Mahal trips him on the apron, then throws him from the apron to the ramp.

Mahal is controlling Rollins with a hold out of the break. Rollins tries to rally, but Mahal blocks a suplex and continues his attack. Mahal cuts off another rally with a high knee. Mahal wants the Camel Clutch, but Rollins gets to the ropes before it is locked in. Rollins looks half dead, but a surprise enziguri gets him some space.

Rollins is finally able to get some traction, and he moves faster and faster as he does more damage. Rollins to the top and he lands a big crossbody to Mahal on the outside. Rollins rolls Mahal into the ring and goes to the top, but Mahal crotches him. Mahal with a superplex and they are both down.

Rollins and Mahal are just getting to their feet from the break. They trade bombs as JR reminds us that Rollins’s back may be hurt and Mahal’s knee looks like it is in pain. Rollins kicks out of a tilt-a-whirl side slam, but Mahal is slow to get up too. Rollins with a Pele kick and a knee drop to the back of Mahal’s head from the top rope gets two-and-seven-eighths.

They are both slow to recover, and everything Rollins does takes a lot out of him, too. Mahal dodges a corkscrew moonsault and stalks Rollins. Rollins barely kicks out of a full nelson slam. Mahal sets up the Camel Clutch, but Rollins gets the ropes. Mahal re-applies it, but Rollins rolls him up instead. Rollins manages to pick Mahal off the mat and powerbomb him into the turnbuckle, and he follows with the Blackout for the win.

WINNER : Seth Rollins

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