Monday 24 September 2012

Top 10 WWE PPV Wrestlers

10) Christian
  87 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - In Your House: Judgment Day (1998) vs. Taka Michinoku
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Money In The Bank (2012) vs. Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, Tyson Kidd, Santino Marella, Tensai, Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara
  • 13 title wins on pay per view
09) Randy Orton

97 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - Summerslam (2003) vs. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Night of Champions (2012) vs. Dolph Ziggler
  • 7 title wins on pay per view
08) John Cena

 108 matches
  • First pay per view appearance: Vengeance (2002) vs. Chris Jericho
  • Most recent pay per view appearance: Night of Champions (2012) vs. CM Punk
  • 19 title wins on pay per view
07) Shawn Michaels

 111 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - Survivor Series (1988) with Marty Jannetty, The Powers of Pain, The Young Stallions, The British Bulldogs, and The Hart Foundation vs. Demolition, The Rougeau Brothers, The Bolsheviks, and The Conquistadores
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Wrestlemania XXVI vs. The Undertaker
  • 13 title wins on pay per view
06) The Big Show

 112 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - Wrestlemania XV vs. Mankind
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Summerslam (2012) vs. CM Punk, John Cena
  • 15 title wins on pay per view
05) Edge  
 119 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - with Sable vs. Marc Mero, Jacqueline
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Wrestlemania XXVII vs. Alberto Del Rio
  • 22 title wins on pay per view
04) Chris Jericho

 127 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - Unforgiven (1999) vs. X Pac
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Summerslam (2012) vs. Dolph Ziggler
  • 12 title wins on pay per view
03) Kane

 144 matches
  • First pay per view appearance: Summerslam (1995); as Isaac Yankem, vs. Bret Hart
  • Most recent pay per view appearance: Night of Champions (2012) with Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth
  • 8 title wins on pay per view
02) Triple H

 150 matches
  • First pay per view appearance: In Your House 4 (1995) vs. Fatu
  • Most recent pay per view appearance: Summerslam (2012) vs. Brock Lesnar
  • 14 title wins on pay per view
01) The Undertaker

 151 matches
  • First pay per view appearance - Survivor Series (1990) with Ted DiBiase, The Honky Tonk Man, and Greg Valentine vs. Dusty Rhodes, Koko B. Ware, Bret Hart, and Jim Neidhart
  • Most recent pay per view appearance - Wrestlemania XXVIII vs. Triple H
  • 11 title wins on pay per view

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