Thursday 27 September 2012

Top 10 finishers in WWE’13 game

10 – Chris Jericho – Codebreaker & Walls Of Jericho

09 – Kane – Chokeslam

08 – Cm Punk – Elbow drop & GTS

07 – Triple H – Spinebuster & Pedigree

06 – Big Show – Spear & KO Punch

05 – Sheamus – Irish Crish Backbreaker & Brogue Kick

04 – Undertaker – Chokeslam & Tombstone Piledriver

03 – The Rock – Rock Bottom & People’s Elbow

02 – Randy Orton – DDT from second rope & RKO

01 – John Cena – 5 knucke shuffle & Attitude Adjustment

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