Wednesday 5 September 2012

Spoilers: WWE SmackDown Tapings 9/7/2012

Booker T Thanks WWE,Tonight's Smackdown Tapings! - booker t sd gm

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara defeated The Miz and Cody Rhodes. Cody accidentally kicked The Miz. Rey followed up with a 619 for the win. A good back and forth match, and Jarrad noted that Sin Cara is amazing live.

Hornswoggle stomped on Daniel Bryan's toe. There was a recap of the "Hug It Out" segment from Raw.

Otunga was shown with Booker T backstage threatening to press legal action.

Zack Ryder defeated Daniel Bryan via reverse decision. Bryan came out and tried to remain calm. He got upset when there was a Yes! chant during the match. He begged off Ryder's attack and they hugged, which led to Bryan applying the No! Lock. Bryan won by submission, but he refused to release the hold so the referee reversed the decision. Bryan essentially lost to the Yes! chant.

Randy Orton was shown backstage. Damien Sandow came out and cut a promo discussing his actions in his match against Sheamus and ripping on social media. Sandow was interrupted by Orton, who entered to a huge pop. Orton informed him Booker T switched his original opponent with Sandow.

Randy Orton beat Damien Sandow by countout. Dolph Ziggler joined the commentary team. Sandow ran to the back after the middle rope DDT while Orton was coiled for the RKO, leading to the countout finish. Orton and Ziggler fought, Sandow came back to save Ziggler from an RKO and took one himself, allowing Dolph to escape.

Otunga continued to argue that the Brogue Kick should be banned. He brought X-rays. Booker booked a match between Otunga and Sheamus.

The Prime Time Players defeated Primo and Epico (w/Rosa) to become No. 1 contenders to the WWE Tag Titles. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth were on commentary. Yes, the Players are the No. 1 contenders for the one millionth time.

Teddy Long was shown backstage with Kaitlyn. Vickie and Dolph demanded to see Booker T. Teddy said he'd advise Booker T to make a match against Orton for Night of Champions.

Wade Barrett cut a heel promo backstage with Matt Striker interviewing him.

Wade Barrett defeated Yoshi Tatsu. Barrett entered to huge heat. There were also a lot of pro-Barrett fans. Barrett beat Yoshi with what appears to be a new finisher. Barrett cut another heel promo.

A video hyped Bret Hart as appearing on Raw next week in Montreal.

Sheamus defeated David Otunga. They changed the ring apron beforehand. Alberto came out to watch the match. Sheamus hit White Noise to set up the Brogue Kick. Booker came out and interrupted the match. He banned the Brogue Kick. Sheamus jaw jacked with Del Rio at ringside, then caught Otunga with the Irish Curse and finished him off with the Cloverleaf.

Dark Main Event

Randy Orton defeated Alberto Del Rio in a No Holds Barred match. ADR uses the kendo stick. Orton got it and beat Del Rio with it. He clotheslined Del Rio twice, power slammed him, and performed the DDT off the middle rope. Orton went for the RKO, but Del Rio countered with a Backstabber. Orton came back with the RKO and got the win.

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