Tuesday 25 September 2012

WWE RAW Results – 9/24/2012

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston

The bell rings. Kofi strikes first with kicks and hits a big uppercut on Ziggler. Kofi with a dropkick and a clothesline, sending Ziggler to the floor. Kofi misses a splash in the corner and Ziggler hits an exploder suplex for a 2 count. They tangle and Ziggler drops him with a neckbreaker for another 2 count. Ziggler shows off and Kofi fights back. Ziggler cuts him off and hits a dropkick for another pin attempt. They trade right hands until Ziggler goes down twice.

Kofi catches Ziggler with a kick in the corner. Kofi with a 2 count. Kofi hits a big crossbody coming out of the corner but Ziggler kicks out at 2. Ziggler kicks Kofi’s leg and leg drops the back of his head. Ziggler with a 2 count. Kofi hits the SOS for a close 2 count. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise but Ziggler ducks. Ziggler tosses Kofi upside down into the corner. Ziggler hits Zig Zag for the win.

Winner : Dolph Ziggler

Darren Young and Titus O'Neil vs. Zack Ryder and Santino Marella

Ryder with an early pin attempt. Ryder misses a crossbody and hits the ropes. Young drops an elbow and goes to a headlock. Santino comes in and fires away on Young. Santino with a suplex and a headbutt for a 2 count as Titus breaks it. Ryder comes in and hits Titus.

Young throws Ryder into the steel post and he goes to the floor. Titus tags himself in as Santino pulls out the Cobra on Young. Titus stops him and hits a big sitdown powerbomb for the win.

Winners : Darren Young and Titus O'Neil

The Miz vs. Ryback

The bell rings and Miz goes to the corner and connects a cheap shot. Ryback charges and Miz unloads. Ryback drops him with a big right hand and takes him to the corner for shoulder thrusts. Ryback counters a neckbreaker with a big powerslam. Miz charges but Ryback catches him and throws him in the ring. Miz catches him coming in and hits a big boot.

Miz with another kick and a big DDT for 2. Ryback catches a kick and lifts Miz up into a big powerbomb. Ryback readies for a clothesline but a fan runs in the ring. Security and the referee tackle him. Ryback runs over Miz and lays him out with Shellshocked for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd

Kidd unloads on Barrett and covers for an early 2 count. Barrett stops Kidd with a big back kick to the gut and then runs him over with a clothesline. Barrett charges with a big kick and sends Kidd out to the floor. Barrett follows and slams Kidd back into the apron. Kidd with a roll up for 2.

Kidd charges but Barrett catches him in a big sidewalk slam. Barrett pulls Kidd back and nails The Souvenir elbow for the win.

Winner : Wade Barrett

David Otunga, Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Sheamus shoulder blocks Otunga off the apron. Rey leaps out on Del Rio as Cara takes out Ricardo on the floor. Sheamus brings Otunga back in and drops a big knee. Sheamus tags in Cara. Cara hits Otunga with kicks but Otunga drops him with a shoulder. Otunga tags in Ricardo. He runs into a boot and gets hit with an arm drag. Del Rio kicks Cara in the back and Ricardo attacks him from behind. Ricardo with a 1 count. Ricardo kicks Cara in the back and in comes Del Rio. Del Rio with a suplex for 2.

Cara fights back but Del Rio buts him off and gets another pin attempt. Del Rio tags in Ricardo and they double team Cara. Ricardo goes for Cara’s mask but gets kicked in the head. Cara with a big counter and takedown. Rey comes in as does Del Rio. Rey takes him down off the ropes and dropkicks his legs out. Rey with a kick to the face for 2.

Del Rio ends up kicking Rey in the head while he’s on the top rope for another pin attempt. We see Darren Young and Titus O’Neil watching backstage. Otunga comes back in to continue the attack on Rey. Otunga slams Rey and tags back in Ricardo for some double teaming. Ricardo with another pin attempt. Rey kicks Ricardo away and Otunga tags back in. Otunga takes him to the corner and tags in Del Rio. Del Rio with a big enziguri in the corner for 2.

Del Rio keeps Rey grounded but he fights out and to his feet. Del Rio beats him back down. Rey counters a roll up and dropkicks Del Rio in the face. Rey tags in Sheamus as Otunga comes in. Sheamus runs him over and takes him to the corner for a shoulder thrust. Sheamus with a running knee to the face. Otunga blocks White Noise and a Brogue Kick.

Otunga tags in Ricardo and he’s scared to come in. Sheamus pulls him in the ring. Ricardo tries to leave but Sheamus catches him on the apron and hits the forearms to the chest. Del Rio comes over for the save but Sheamus knocks him away and hits Ricardo again. Rey tags in and nails 619 on Ricardo. Del Rio grabs Rey from the apron but Rey sends him flying into the fan barrier. Cara tags in and splashes on Ricardo off the top for the win.

Winners : Sin Cara, Sheamus and Rey Mysterio

Layla and Alicia Fox vs. Eve Torres and Beth Phoenix

Layla starts off with Beth and kicks her in the gut. Layla with a shot out of the corner for a quick 2 count. Layla drops Beth on her face and in comes Alicia. Alicia with offense and a dropkick. Beth turns it around in the corner but gets rolled up for 2.

Fox fights her off but gets caught in a big slam. Beth stomps on her and hits a slingshot suplex as Eve tags herself in. Eve knocks Layla off the apron and hits a neckbreaker on Alicia for the win. 

Winners : Eve and Beth Phoenix

Brodus Clay vs. Tensai

The bell rings and they lock up, going to the ropes and finally breaking. Tensai strikes first with an uppercut. Tensai with headbutts in the corner now. Tensai charges with a big splash and another right hand. Tensai runs and Clay drops him with a headbutt. Clay with a splash in the corner.

Clay barely hits an overhead throw and then misses the splash. Tensai goes for his splash but Clay moves. Big Show’s music hits and out he comes.Show steps on the apron and drops Tensai with a right hand, knocking him out for the DQ.

Winner by DQ : Tensai

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