Friday 20 July 2012

WWE Superstars Report 7/19/ 2012


Santino Marella Vs Jinder Mahal

They lock up and Santino with a cartwheel when Jinder tries for an Irish whip. Santino with a hip lock take down and arm drag into an arm bar. Jinder with a slam attempt but Santino with a drop toe hold into an arm bar.Jinder with another knee and forearm but Santino with a rollup for a near fall. Jinder kicks Santino in the head and then he hits a butterfly suplex and gets a near fall.Santino with punches but Jinder with a side head lock. Santino with a Saito suplex and then he punches Jinder. Jinder with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall.Mahal pulls Santino to the mat by the hair and he kicks Santino. Mahal tries for a knee but he meets Santino’s boots. Santino with jabs and a forearm. Santino with a split and hip toss followed by the diving head butt and he reaches for the sock puppet and it is Cobra time. Santino gets the three count.

Winner : Santino Marella

Cody Rhodes Vs Alex Riley

They lock up and Riley pushes Rhodes to the mat. Rhodes with a kick and side head lock and shoulder tackle. Rhodes backs Riley into the corner and then Cody with a knee and arm drag and Rhodes gets a near fall.Rhodes with a knee and then Riley tries to send Cody over the top and Rhodes skins the cat but he is not going to be in the ring too long because Riley clotheslines Rhodes over the top rope to the floor.
Rhodes with a side head lock and then he sends Riley to the apron. Riley tries to suplex Rhodes to the floor but Rhodes drops Riley on the top rope and Riley falls to the floor.Riley gets back to his feet and he punches and kicks Rhodes but Rhodes with a kick and clothesline and he gets a near fall. Rhodes kicks Riley in the lower leg and then Rhodes sends Riley into the ropes and connects with knees as he comes off.Rhodes with an Irish whip and he applies a full nelson. Riley gets a second wind and he gets to his feet and he escapes with a snap mare. Riley with an elbow to a charging Rhodes followed by clotheslines and a hip toss into a neck breaker and he gets a near fall.Riley runs into a boot from Rhodes but Rhodes runs into a spinebuster from Riley but Riley can only get a two count. Riley goes up top but Rhodes counters with a drop kick and both men are down. Riley with a rollup for a near fall. Rhodes with a kick and then Riley catches Rhodes when he tries to float over. Riley sets for the TKO but Rhodes escapes and counters with Cross Rhodes for the three count.

Winner : Cody Rhodes

The Usos Vs Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman

Derrick tags in and Jimmy with a kick and Jey is tagged in. Jey with a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall.Derrick works on the arm and he tags in Johnny who comes off the top but he hits Derrick instead of Jimmy. Jimmy with chops and he tags Jey back in. They hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop. Curtis tags in and Jey goes to the floor. Bateman attacks Jey from the apron with a drop kick. Derrick tags in and he brings Jey back into the ring. Derrick with kicks and he tags Johnny back in and Curtis with kicks.
Curtis with a suplex for a near fall. Derrick tags back in and he kicks Jey in the head. Derrick with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Jey with punches but Bateman with a forearm to the back and a slam to stop Jey’s attempts to get back into the match. Bateman misses an elbow drop from the turnbuckles and Curtis misses a leg drop from the top after a tag.Jimmy tags in and clotheslines Johnny while knocking Derrick off the apron. Jimmy with Bubba Bomb and it is time for the running butt splash into the corner. Derrick breaks up the cover. Jey sends Derrick to the floor and then Jimmy hits the Samoan drop. Jimmy goes up top and hits the Superfly Splash for the three count.

Winners : The Usos

Sin Cara Vs Drew McIntyre

Drew sends Cara to the mat and he slams him. Drew with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Cara and Cara with an arm drag and drop kick to the chest.Drew with a cross arm choke. Drew slaps Cara but Cara with forearms. Drew with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Drew with a kick to the head followed by a suplex for a near fall.Cara with kicks but Drew iwht a kick of his own. Drew tries to send Cara onto the top rope or floor but Cara with a sunset flip for a near fall. Drew with a back breaker and then he turns it into a deadlift gutbuster. Drew with a jackknife cover for a near fall.Drew with clotheslines in the corner and then he tries for a short arm clothesline but Cara escapes and he hits a sit out facebuster. Cara hits a handspring back elbow followed by a rana.Cara goes to the second turnbuckles and Drew catches him and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and gets a near fall. Drew kicks Cara in the head and then he goes up top. Drew takes too long and Cara with an enzuigiri. Cara climbs up top but Drew pushes him off. Cara lands on his feet and then he hits a tornado DDT for the three count.

Winner : Sin Cara

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