Saturday 21 July 2012

WWE Smackdown Report 7/20/12

Hunico, Camacho and The Prime Time Players (O'Neil and Young) vs. Epico, Primo, R Truth and Kofi Kingston

Hunico and Epico start off. Arm drags by Epico, to the corner and rights by Hunico. A shoulder block follows, and then some lucha counters and Hunico slams Epico to the mat. Epico fires back, tags Primo in and a dropkick connects, and a cover for 2. 

Camacho tags in, but Primo takes him down and works the arm. To the corner they go and shoulder blocks to Primo. Roll up by Primo for 2. Tag by Truth and he dances and drops Camacho with a right. Dancing leg drop follows and Truth covers for 2. Camacho slams Truth to the corner, who then escapes and all eight men are in and we have the big brawl.

Corner splash to Canacho followed by a clothesline. Boom leg drop follows and Kofi looks to end things, but Hunico grabs his leg. This allows Camacho to land a spinebuster for 2. Camacho works over Kofi in the corner, chokes him out and then slams Kofi down. Tag to Hunico, slingshot senton and a cover for 2. Kofi tries to battle back, O'Neil tags in and gets a side back breaker to Kofi. 

O'Neil chokes out Kofi, and then Kofi fights back only to be slammed to the mat again. O'Neil covers for 2. Abdominal stretch by O'Neil, clubbing shots follow. Tag to Young, but Kofi fights back and dumps O'Neil. Tag to Primo and he flies in and takes control of Young. 

Leg drop and then the elbow drop. He then slams Young to the corner, and then runs up the ropes for a twisting senton for 2. It breaks down again, bodies fly to the floor and Primo up top AW distracts Primo, O'Neil knocks him off the top rope into Young's double knee gut buster and for the win.

Winner : Hunico, Camacho and The Prime Time Players (O'Neil and Young)

Zack Ryder vs. Damien Sandow

Forearm by Ryder in the corner, but Sandow back with the boot and then starts to kick the shit out of Ryder. Knees to the head of Ryder, and then clubbing shots to the back. 

Sandow drops the elbow pad and elbows Ryder in the throat. More knees by Sandow, and Ryder is down. Necktie neck breaker by Sandow.
Winner : Damien Sandow
Daniel Bryan w/AJ vs. Kane

Kane back with the big boot as comes off the ropes, and covers for 2. Body scissors by Kane, Bryan escapes, off the ropes and into a back breaker. Kane misses a clothesline, basement dropkick to the knee by Bryan. Kicks to the chest of Kane, but he comes back and tries for a chokeslam, countered and a corner dropkick by Bryan. Kick to the head of Kane, and Bryan covers for 2. 

Kane back with the side slam, and a cover for 2. Kane powers out, charges Bryan, who pulls down the ropes and Kane crashes to the floor. Kane slams Bryan into the announcer's table, and now back into the ring they go. AJ up top and leaps in onto Kane for the DQ.
Winner : Kane

Heath Slater vs. Road Warrior Animal

Clothesline by Animal to begin. Lays the boots to Slater in the corner, but Slater fights back with rights and then some elbows. Slater proclaims that he is the one-man band, but then runs into a powerslam. Elbow drop by Animal and that is all.
Winner : Road Warrior Animal 

Sheamus and Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler

Sheamus works his power game and controls Ziggler early. Shoulder block by Sheamus, off the ropes and he then eats a dropkick. Sheamus battles back, hits the kamikaze roll for 2. Tag to Rey, lays the boots to Ziggler. Off the ropes and a boot by Rey. Off the ropes and Ziggler decapitates Rey with a clothesline, and covers for 2. Tag to Del Rio, who lays the boots to the ribs and covers for 2. 

Rey fights back, tags Sheamus and he chases Del Rio to the floor. Sheamus follows Ziggler to the floor, tosses him back in and as Sheamus tries to enter the ring, Ziggler lands a dropkick and sends him back to the floor.

Makes the tag to Rey, flies in with the Thez press. Head scissors follows. Charges in on Ziggler, but then rolls through a sunset flip and kicks Ziggler in the face, cover gets 2. Rey with the dropkick to the knee of Ziggler, looks for the 619 but Del Rio Kicks Rey in the back to slow him down, allowing Ziggler to clothesline Rey and cover for 2. 

Tag to Del Rio, kicks to Rey again and then works a chinlock with the knee in the back of Rey. Knees by Rey, fights out, off the ropes and a tilt a whirl back breaker by Del Rio gets 2. Tag to Ziggler, who continues t work over Rey and keep him grounded. Rey again tries to fight to his feet, neck breaker by Ziggler and a tag to Del Rio. 

Rey playing Ricardo Morton here, diving for a tag now, but Del Rio cuts him off. Rey manages to dump Del Rio to the floor, Rey looking for the tag, but Del Rio manages to tag in Ziggler and he stops Rey from tagging in Sheamus. Rey counters a slam with a tornado DDT, and BOTH men are down. Tags to Del Rio and Sheamus. Sheamus cleans house for a bit, but then lams Del Rio into Ziggler. White Noise connects for Sheamus. Looks for the brogue kick, but Ricardo grabs him foot, and that will lead to the DQ.
Winner : Sheamus and Rey Mysterio 

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