Tuesday 31 July 2012

WWE RAW Report – 7/30/2012

Santino Marella vs. Alberto Del Rio

The bell rings and they go at it until Del Rio drops Santino and works him over, taking control. Santino fights back but Del Rio suplexes him and stomps some more. Del Rio with kicks in the corner now. Santino makes a comeback and sends Del Rio out to the floor with a dropkick.

Santino fights out of a hold and tries for a comeback but gets beat back down. Del Rio goes back to work on the arm now. Santino fights out with a suplex and then right hands. Santino drops with the split but Del Rio kicks him in the head. Del Rio blocks it and throws Santino shoulder first into the ring post. Del Rio with an armbreaker and then the submission for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Street Fight: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

The match starts and they go at it back and forth. Sheamus catches Bryan with a huge powerslam for a pin attempt.Bryan drops Sheamus into the turnbuckle and takes control of the match. Bryan works on the shoulder now. Sheamus comes back with a big shoulder and knocks Bryan down. Sheamus drops more knees for a 2 count. Bryan rolls out to the floor and Sheamus follows. Sheamus tosses him into the fan barrier a few times. Bryan gets dropped on the steel ramp as they fight up to the stage. Sheamus slams Bryan head first into the big W. Sheamus goes for White Noise but Bryan blocks it and kicks Sheamus while he’s on his knees. Bryan runs and dropkicks Sheamus from the stage to the concrete. Sheamus clutches his ankle but gets up.

Sheamus fights out but Bryan stops the comeback with a knee to the gut. Bryan knocks Sheamus back to the floor. Bryan leaps off the apron but Sheamus catches him and tosses him into the barrier. Sheamus puts Bryan on the barrier and hits him with a series of big forearm shots to the chest. Sheamus suplexes Bryan back on the floor and brings it in the ring. 

Sheamus throws in a kendo stick and steel chair but Bryan slides them back out of the ring. Sheamus clotheslines him back to the floor. Sheamus comes out but gets smacked in the head with a kendo stick. Bryan comes in the ring with more kendo shots, beating Sheamus down in the corner.Sheamus stops Bryan with headbutts and gets the kendo stick. Sheamus wails away with it but Bryan dropkicks him back into the steel chair that he wedged in the corner. Bryan with a 2 count. They go back to the floor to brawl. Sheamus takes apart the steel steps and goes to slam Bryan on them. He blocks it but Sheamus catches him for White Noise. 

Bryan blocks that and rams Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post. Bryan picks up the steps and slides them in the ring. Bryan tosses Sheamus into the fan barrier again. Bryan brings him in the ring and they fight for the kendo stick. Sheamus scoops Bryan for White Noise on top of the steps but Bryan blocks it. Sheamus lays him out on top of the steps with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus covers for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O’Neil

Back and forth to start the match. Kofi comes back and drops Titus on his face after being down for a few minutes. Kofi fights back with chops and a big dropkick to the jaw. Kofi with another big shot and then the Boom Drop. Young gets on the apron but Truth lays him out. AW gets on the apron and throws his shoe at Kofi. AW runs off as Kofi throws the shoe back at him. Kofi turns around to a big slam from Titus for the win.

Winner: Titus O’Neil

Heath Slater vs. Randy Orton

The match starts and Slater takes Orton to the corner with offense. The referee backs him off as Slater unloads. Slater shows off and turns around to big clotheslines from Orton. Orton hits the powerslam and takes Slater to the apron for the second rope draping DDT. Orton drops to the mat and lays Slater out with a RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

Chris Jericho and Christian vs. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler starts things off with Christian and they go at it. Christian with an early pin attempt but Ziggler comes back. Miz comes in but Christian unloads on him and sends him right back to Ziggler for the tag. They lock up again and Jericho tags in as does Miz. Jericho drops Miz with a clothesline for 1. Ziggler comes back in and goes at it with Jericho. Jericho dumps him to the floor and tosses Miz over also. Christian goes to the top and leaps out onto both of them.Jericho goes at it with Miz in the ring. Jericho with a 2 count. Miz comes back with a clothesline and a 2 count of his own. Miz with a headlock now. Jericho breaks free with a backdrop and makes the tag to Christian as Ziggler comes in. 

Christian unloads and hits the big drop down right hand. Christian with the elbow from the second rope. He goes for Killswitch but Ziggler blocks it. Christian with a roll up for 2. Christian fights off Miz in the corner but gets dropkicked by Ziggler for another 2 count. Miz comes back in and stomps away for another 2 count. Miz keeps control for another pin attempt. Christian ends up dumping Miz out to the floor again.Miz stops Jericho from tagging and they double team Christian. Miz with a 2 count. Ziggler tags in for more double teaming. Ziggler with an elbow drop and another 2 count. 

Ziggler keeps Christian down on the mat as Vickie screams at ringside. Christian breaks free from a headlock but gets dropped with a neckbreaker by Ziggler. Ziggler misses the big leg drop but takes Christian to the corner for more offense. Christian finally takes Ziggler down and goes for the tag. Jericho comes in and unloads on Miz. Jericho dropkicks Ziggler from the apron to the floor and drops Miz with a bulldog. Jericho with a Lionsault on Miz for 2 as Ziggler makes the save. Christian spears Ziggler but Miz throws him into the ring post. Jericho with the Walls of Jericho on Miz but he counters it. Miz with a kick to the face. Jericho blocks Skull Crushing Finale and hits the Codebreaker for the win.

Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho

Tensai vs. Tyson Kidd

Kidd strikes first with kicks but gets dropped with a big shoulder. Tensai with a splash in the corner and a big slingshot under the second rope. Tensai with a few elbow drops and strikes to the back of the head. Tensai applies the claw hold now and we see Kidd is bleeding from the head a bit.Kidd tries for a comeback and rolls Tensai up for 2. Kidd with a big kick and a blockbuster from the top for a 2 count. Tensai comes out of nowhere with a big slam and backsplash for the win.

Winner: Tensai

Big Show vs. John Cena

The bell rings and they go at it. Show knocks Cena to the mat first. Show takes it to the corners and drops Cena with a big back splash. Show slowly beats Cena around with headbutts. Punk rips on Lawler and calls his commentary awful. Cena finally fights back and jumps on Show’s back with a sleeper. Show slams Cena back in the corner. Cena leaps off the ropes but Show catches him in a bearhug. Cena counters with another sleeper hold.Punk continues to have words with Lawler on commentary as Cena brings Show to one knee with the sleeper. Show goes down and Cena gets a 2 count.

Show with another back splash in the corner. Show whips Cena into another corner but runs into boots. Cena with a bulldog. Cena tries to make another comeback but Show catches him in midair with another bearhug. Cena fights out and scoops Show but Show falls on top of him for a 2 count. Show calls for a chokeslam but Cena counters it with a DDT. Show catches Cena with a big sideslam. Show goes to the second rope for a big splash but Cena moves out of the way. Cena comes back with a shoulder and a back drop. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Show catches him with a chokeslam out of nowhere for a close 2 count. Show brings Cena back in the ring and knocks him right back out. 

Cena shoves Show into the ringpost. They fight at ringside and Cena gets launched into Punk and they both go down. Cena makes it back into the ring before the 10 count where Show waits. Cena finally goes for the Attitude Adjustment on Show but Punk makes the save. Punk then kicks Show in the face and lays him out. Punk takes a mic and announces that there is no winner. Punk leaves the ring and heads to the back when AJ comes out. She says both men are winners and Punk will defend at SummerSlam against Show and Cena in a Triple Threat. Punk comes back out and argues with AJ. RAW goes off the air with Punk demanding respect from AJ.

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