Tuesday 24 July 2012

WWE RAW 1000 Report – 7/23/2012

Vince comes out and thanks the fans. They throw a “thank you Vince” chant back at him. Vincewelcomes us to Monday Night RAW and introduces DeGeneration X. The DX music hits and out comes Shawn Michaels and Triple H.Shawn says he needs to catch his breath from running around. 

Shawn says he feels like something is missing. Triple H agrees and they do some DX comedy. Triple H says there used to be more of them. The DX music hits again and they introduce X-Pac, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. They come riding in the Army tank from the WCW invasion years ago. DX reunites in the ring and the crowd pops big for it.

They do crotch chops as the X pyro goes off across the ring. Road Dogg takes the mic first and does his famous intro for The New Age Outlaws. Triple H does his intro and asks everyone if they’re ready. Triple H says he will see everyone at RAW 2000 and then tells everyone to get ready to suck it. More DX comedy. They pick on Shawn for posing for Playgirl years ago. They’re interrupted by Damien Sandow.

Sandow walks to the ring and Shawn says to let him talk. Sandow says this is what WWE and society at large has turned into – degenerates. Sandow runs them down some more but acknowledges that DX could beat him down and dispose of him like trash. Sandow says he won’t be a victim if they do – he will be a martyr for anyone who appreciates a sophisticated mind. 

DX discusses this as a group as Sandow looks on. HBK connects with Sweet Chin Music and then Triple H grabs him for a Pedigree. They tell everyone to suck it again before the DX music hits and they celebrate some more. They disrobe Sandow and toss him out of the ring. 

The Rock returns tonight.

Brock Lesnar will answer Triple H's challenge.

Daniel Bryan and AJ get married tonight.

Plus John Cena challenges CM Punk for the WWE Title tonight. 

Six Man Tag: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio

J.I.P. with Ziggler working over Sin Cara. Elbow drop connects for 2 by Ziggler. Tag to Jericho and he lays in rights to the ribs of Cara. Snap mare into a headlock, Jericho in control. Cara fights out, roll up gets 2 for Cara. 

Basement dropkick by Jericho, and he stops the tag. Slam by Jericho, one-foot cover for 1. Tag to Del Rio, whips Cara to the corner and lands a kick to the shoulder of Cara and covers for 2. 

Knees to the back by Del Rio, and then works a chinlock. Cara tries to escape, does and gets a boot to Del Rio. Tornado DDT connects and both men are down. Tags to Jericho and Sheamus. Sheamus cleans house on Jericho, slam countered and Sheamus with the back breaker gets 2. it breaks down now, Rey flies to the floor onto Del Rio. 

Cara kicks Ziggler to the floor. Jericho dumps him, and then tries for the walls on Sheamus. Countered and Sheamus stops a codebreaker. He then misses the boot, and Ziggler nails Jericho with a cheap shot. Sheamus sets, brogue kick to Jericho  for the win.

Winners: Sheamus. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio

Jack Swagger vs. Brodus Clay

Jack Swagger is making his way to the ring. Out next comes Brodus Clay with Cameron and Naomi.Clay takes the mic and introduces Dude Love. Out comes one of Mick Foley’s alter egos. He watches from ringside as Swagger rushes Clay. Clay dodges it and suplexes Swagger. Clay nails the splash for the squash win.

Winner: Brodus Clay


Jerry Lawler introduces the reverend for tonight and out comes WWE Legend Slick. Slick does a promo and out comes the groom Daniel Bryan. Bryan chants yes as he comes out in a white tux. “Here Comes the Bride” hits as AJ makes her way out looking good in a wedding dress.

Slick begins his speech about marriage and the crowd chants “what” at everything. Slick asks if anyone can show just cause on why these two shouldn’t be married. The crowd boos but nobody comes out to interrupt. Slick hands Bryan the ring. Bryan admits they have had ups and downs but he says he loves AJ and always will. Bryan says a new chapter will begin for the both of them and he will finally have everything he’s ever wanted. 

Bryan slips the ring on hr finger. Slick asks if Bryan takes AJ to be his wife and he says YES. Slick can’t finish his sentence before AJ says yes. Slick goes to wed them but AJ stops him. She wasn’t saying yes to Daniel, she says. She was saying yes to someone else – another man. AJ says this man proposed to her earlier tonight.

Vince McMahon’s music hits and out he comes. Vince says it’s not that kind of proposal. It’s a business proposal. Vince introduces the new RAW General Manager – AJ Lee. AJ smiles, Bryan looks shocked and the crowd gets riled up. AJ hands Bryan the flowers back and skips around him in the ring as her music plays. AJ leaves up the ramp as Bryan gets upset in the ring. AJ chants yes from the stage while Bryan chants no in the ring. She has left him at the altar. Bryan tears apart the wedding set. Bryan is still throwing a fit in the ring. Out comes WWE Champion CM Punk to a big pop.

Punk mocks Bryan for getting left at the altar. Punk says AJ as General Manager can’t be good for Bryan’s luck. Punk tells Bryan to continue throwing a fit while he continues to be the best in the world. Bryan goes off and yells that he is the greatest of all-time. He is interrupted by The Rock’s music. Out comes The Rock to a huge pop.
The Rock hits the ring and the crowd chants his name. Rock says Bryan doesn’t get to say who the greatest of all-time is because the fans do. More chants for The Rock. 

Bryan goes to cut Rock off but Rock isn’t having it. The crowd chants Boots To Asses as Punk looks on from the side. The Rock points out that he first won a WWE Title in St. Louis and the crowd pops some more. Rock knocks Bryan and says he’s here to talk about the WWE Champion. Rock announces that whoever the WWE Champion is at Royal Rumble will face The Rock that night with their title on the line. Punk says Rock is looking at who that man will be. Punk says he will beat John Cena tonight and if Rock wants a match at Royal Rumble, he wishes it was tomorrow. Punk says CM Punk vs. 

The Rock sounds good to him but he’s going to win.The Rock declares that he will be the next WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble. Bryan starts chanting no and the crowd chants yes. Bryan says this is supposed to be about him. This was supposed to be the greatest night of his life. Bryan gets in Rock’s face and says someway, somehow, Rock will fight him at the Rumble. Bryan says he will be the face of WWE. 

Rock says Bryan is what would happen if a homeless lumberjack banged an oompa loompa. Rock wishes Punk good luck for tonight and goes back to Bryan. Rock says he got Bryan a wedding gift anyway and drops him with a Rock Bottom. Rock hits the mic one more time before leaving the ring.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz vs. Christian

Out first comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian. Out next comes his opponent The Miz.
The bell rings and they lock up. Christian ends up dumping Miz out to the floor and diving out from the top rope. Christian lands on his knee. Miz is in control. Christian fights him off and starts a comeback. Christian hits a crossbody from the corner for a 2 count.

Christian goes t the second rope for a back elbow and waits for Miz to get up. Christian goes back and forth and rolls Miz up from the corner for 2. More back and forth. Miz kicks Christian in the face and covers him for 2. Miz runs into a bot int he corner and Christian catches him with a DDT for 2.

Christian goes for a spear but Miz hits him and drops the DDT for a close 2 count. Miz charges in the corner but misses. Christian goes for Killswitch but Miz blocks it. Miz goes for Skull Crushing Finale but it’s blocked. Christian lands on his bad knee and Miz hits the SCF for the win and Intercontinental Title.

Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

Heath Slater vs. Lita

The bell rings, and Lita says that for the match, she hired some protection. THE APA! They hit the ring and Slater tries to run. Road Warrior Animal then appears with Vader, Sid, Doink, DDP, Rikishi, Piper and Slaughter. They kick his ass and toss him into the ring.
She hits a Twist of Fate while JBL hits a big Clothesline from Hell. Lita gets the win.

Winner: Lita  

WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. CM Punk

We go to the ring and out comes John Cena with his Money in the Bank briefcase. Out next comes the WWE Champion CM Punk.They lock up. Cena drops Punk with a shoulder as the crowd does dueling chants. Cena with a headlock now. Cena drops Punk with another shoulder. 

Punk comes back and backslides him for a 2 count. They go to lock up again and Punk works on Cena’s arm now. They break again after more back and forth action. They lock up again and go to the corner. Punk hits Cena with chops on the ropes. Cena beats Punk over the back and turns it around. Cena takes Punk back to the mat with a headlock.

Punk powers but and kicks Cena in the back. Punk with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Cena fights out of a hold and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Cena comes back with shoulders but Punk blocks the back drop. Punk with a kick and a clothesline. Punk ends up hitting the high knee in the corner. Cena blocks the bulldog and slams Punk on his back. 

Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Punk kicks him in the head. Punk takes Cena down with another kick to the head. Punk goes for GTS but Cena slides out and accidentally shoves Punk into the referee. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and pins Punk for the win but the referee is out on the floor.

Big Show comes down and spears Cena. Cena gets up as Punk looks on and Show waits. Show drops Cena with a knockout punch and leaves the ring. Punk watches and gets up, acting unsure about what to do. He goes out to get the referee and brings him back in the ring. Punk finally covers Cena but he kicks out at 2.
Punk picks Cena up for the GTS but Cena blocks it and locks in the STF. Big Show comes back in and breaks the hold with a big elbow for the disqualification.

After the bell, Show unloads on Cena as Punk looks on. Show stomps away on Cena after beating him down. Show continues to beat Cena up while Punk does nothing about it. The Rock’s music hits and here he comes running. Rock unloads on Big Show and takes him down with a spinebuster. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but Punk stops him with a clothesline. A bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd. Punk waits on Rock to get up and hits him with GTS. Still a mixed reaction for Punk but more boo’s. Punk grabs the WWE Title and walks out of the ring as Rock tries to recover. More fans are booing Punk now. RAW goes off the air with Punk walking away with the WWE Title.

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