Friday 20 July 2012

TNA IMPACT Wrestling Report 7.19.12

BFG Series Match: Samoa Joe vs. The Pope

Joe takes it right to Pope in the corner with strikes. Pope reverses it but Joe regains offense and hits a kick to the head. Pope hits a right hand that takes Joe down. Pope follows him out and kicks him in the face again.

Pope drops knees to the gut. Joe keeps favoring his jaw. Pope hits a clothesline for 2. Pope gets another 2 and is relentless with his offense. Pope drops elbows and fists like an MMA fighter. Joe catches him in an armbar and wins.

Winner : Samoa Joe

BFG Series Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E w/Robbie T

Robbie blindsides Hardy but Hardy quickly recovers. Hardy hits a spinebuster and a dropkick for 2. Robbie T. interferes out of the camera's view on the outside. 

Hardy comes back with clotheslines and a splash off the top for 2. Robbie E. goes out to regroup and Hardy slingshots over the top onto him. Hardy mixes it up with Robbie T. and gets counted out.

Winner : Robbie E

BFG Series: Mr. Anderson vs. AJ Styles

They slap hands and lock-up. Anderson hits a hip-toss into an armbar. AJ transitions with a leg-scissors which is countered into a headlock by Anderson. AJ leaps off the apron and hits a splash in the ring for 2. Anderson hits a side slam for 2.

Anderson is in control with a headlock. AJ gets out and hits a nice dropkick. Anderson is laid out but kicks out at 2. AJ hits a bodyslam and a flying knee for another near fall. Anderson goes back to a modified headlock. AJ rolls out but Anderson reapplies.

AJ hits a slightly botched hurricanrana. AJ hits a spin kick in the corner and springboards with a splash for 2. Anderson hits a Senton Slam and gets 2. Anderson sets up for a Mic Check but AJ drills him in the back of the head with a kick. 

AJ goes up top and is met by Anderson. Anderson hits an impressive superplex. Both men get a near fall. Anderson fights off the Styles Clash and rolls on top for the pin.

Winner : Mr. Anderson

BFG Series Match: RVD vs. Daniels

RVD gets a northern lights suplex for 2. Abdominal stretch by RVD, drops down and Daniels gets the ropes. Daniels rolls to the floor, RVD follows and gets slammed into the ring apron. Head butts by Daniels, back into the ring and Daniels nails the slingshot elbow drop and covers for 2.

Daniels remains in control, side effect style move gets 2. RVD works the kicks and then gets a roll up for 2. Superkick by RVD, and the monkey flip follows. 

RVD up top, no for the frog splash, lands on his feet, but RVD back with another kick to take Daniels down. Rolling thunder misses, Daniels with the roll up and the ropes and pins RVD

Winner : Daniels

BFG Series Match: Magnus vs. Bully Ray

Magnus wipes out Ray with a clothesline. Ray then takes Magnus down with a clothesline, and slams Magnus to a corner. Elbow drops by Ray and a cover for 2.

Elbows by Ray again, a slam follows and then ray off the ropes and misses the splash. Magnus tries to fire up, rights follow. Magnus lands the backdrop suplex for 2. 

Ray back with the clothesline, and then misses the boot in the corner.. Michinoku driver by Magnus gets a close 2. Magnus to the second rope now, MISSES the elbow drop. Bully hits an RKO and gets the pin.

Winner : Bully Ray

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