Saturday 14 July 2012

REPORT : WWE SmackDown 13 JULY 2012

Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara

Del Rio charges to start but Sin Cara takes control but not for long as Del  Rio pounds away to get the advantage and nails a sweet vertical suplex. Rio continues to dominate as Sin Cara occasionally fights back using his speed but Rio easily overpowers him. 

Sin Cara gets a two count off a DDT but Del Rio doesn't stay down for long and continues to dominate. The end comes as Sin Cara misses a top rope senton and Del Rio gets the cross armbreaker for the submission win.

Winner : Alberto Del Rio

Darren Young with Titus O’Neil and Abraham Washington versus Primo with Epico and Rosa Mendes

Lock-up to start and that quickly turns into a trade off of punches. Primo comes out on top and nails a tope rope dive into a headscissors and lays in some big chops. Young manages to get on top after Titus distracts Primo as GW riles the crowd up. 

Young hits a neck breaker for two, gets Primo into a firemans carry which Primo sneaks out of, he tries for the backcracker but Young blocks and when he goes to take advantage, Primo rolls Young up for the win.

Winner : Primo

Christian and Santino Marella versus Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero

Santino gets tagged in and challenges Rhodes to an amateur match and Rhodes responds by tagging in Dolph.  Dolph gets caught by a hiptoss and Christian gets tagged in and becomes your face in peril. when he attempts a top rope bulldog on Rhodes it gets blocked and kicks out at two on the Cody cover.

Dolph comes in and hits his dropkick and clamps on the chinlock. Christian powers up as we get the double tag as Santino comes in and we get the usual Santino babyface offence but when he goes for the Cobra on Dolph, Cody interferes and Ziggler takes advantage and nails the Zigzag for the win.

Winners : Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes

Big Show versus Great Khali

They lock up and Show with a chop to Khali and then he calls for one more but Khali with a few chops of his own instead. 

Khali raises his arms for being able to chop Show and that allows Show to knock Khali out with a punch and Booker wants to know if we saw it. Show gets the three count.

Winner : Big Show

Tyler Rykes with Curt Hawkins versus Ryback

Rykes starts quickly but runs into the running boot of Ryback who dominates for the rest of the match and hits the Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner : Ryback

Justin Gabriel versus Damien Sandow

Gabriel is out of the gates quickly but Sandow easily takes control and follow  the Elbow of Disdain. Justin tries a comeback with a series of chops and swift kicks but Sandown hits  and gets the win

Winner : Damien Sandow

Chris Jericho versus Sheamus

They lock up and Sheamus backs Jericho into the corner, then Jericho slaps the taste out the Irishman's mouth. Jericho takes advantage of a missed charge and gets in some offence but Sheamus comes right back with some knees in the corner and ten big forearms across Jericho's chest and just to top it off,
They both trade some back and forth moves and Sheamus goes for a pin and only gets two.

Jericho manages an attempt at the Codebreaker but that's blocked and the Brogue kick also misses. Jericho gets the Lionsault for another two count. A Jericho charge is countered into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but when Sheamus goes for the White Noise, Jericho blocks and counters into the Walls of Jericho. Sheamus makes the ropes and goes for another White Noise which again Jericho counter into the Walls. 

Another attempted Brogue kick is avoided by Jericho and he manages to hit the Codebreaker but only gets a two count. Jericho gets to his feet first and he wants Sheamus to get up but he runs into a Brogue kick and Sheamus gets the three count.

Winner : Sheamus

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