Tuesday 17 July 2012


WWE Tag Team Title Match: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Titus and Kofi start things off. Titus takes Kofi to the corner and beats him up. Titus with a big uppercut and a tag to Young. Kofi makes a tag to Truth and they double team Young. 

Truth with a big kick and leg drop. Kofi tags back in and leaps onto Young with a big crossbody for a 2 count.Kofi fights out with headbutts but goes back down. Young tags back in to continue the assault. Young tries to double team Kofi but he escapes and tags in Truth. 

Truth goes at it with Titus and DDT’s him for a 2 count. Truth clotheslines Young out of the ring and Kofi hits Titus with Trouble in Paradise. Truth drops Titus on his face for the win.

Winners: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston

Zack Ryder vs. Alberto Del Rio

The bell rings and Del Rio goes right to work on Ryder. Del Rio drops Ryder with an armbreaker and kicks him , Del Rio takes Ryder to the floor and stomps on his head. 

Del Rio unloads on Ryder but gets rammed back into the apron. Ryder comes back in the ring but Del Rio is angry. Del Rio beats Ryder some more and applies the cross armbreaker for the quick win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Rikishi vs. Heath Slater

They go to lock up but Slater goes behind and runs his mouth. Rikishi drops Slater with a big superkick and then hits him with a stinkface. Rikishi hits the Samoan Spike and climbs to the second rope for a big splash and the win.

Winner: Rikishi

Eve Torres and The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan and AJ

Bryan starts off with Miz and they lock up. Bryan takes Miz to the corner and beats him. Miz comes back with a high knee and a kick to the face. AJ tags herself in and in comes Eve. They lock up and Eve shoves AJ to the mat and into the corner. 

Eve with kicks and a kick to the face. Eve with a 2 count. AJ fights back with forearms and a kick to the face. AJ kicks Eve to the mat and hits her finisher for the pin but Miz has the referee distracted. AJ runs over and kicks Miz out to the floor from the apron. 

Miz runs in while Eve has AJ rolled up but the referee is distracted. Bryan comes in and helps AJ get the win while the referee isn’t looking.

Winners: AJ and Daniel Bryan

Brodus Clay vs. JTG

we get the official invitation to Daniel Bryan and AJ’s wedding next week. It’s announced that Bryan and AJ will be special guests on Christian’s Peep Show this Friday on SmackDown.

The bell rings and Clay goes to work on JTG with the power moves. Clay with a big suplex and elbow drop. Clay runs into a big boot and has his knee taken out. JTG takes Clay down and stomps away. JTG continues the assault and mocks Clay’s dancing. Clay finally catches JTG’s clothesline and throws him with a suplex. Clay with a headbutt and splash for the win.

Winner: Brodus Clay

CM Punk vs. Big Show
The bell rings and Punk dodges shots from Show. Punk throws some kicks but Show takes him to the corner and hits a right hand. Punk comes out fighting but Show knocks him to the mat with a headbutt. Punk fights back on the floor but Show knocks him back down. Punk shoves Show into the ring post and brings it back in the ring.

Punk leaps off the top but Show catches him in a bearhug. Show with right hands and more trash talking now. Punk jumps on Show’s back for a sleeper hold. Show breaks out and drops Punk with a sideslam. Punk charges but Show hits a big back body drop. 

Show gets ready for the knockout punch but Punk ducks it. Punk hits a superkick and another kick to the head. Punk hits another high knee. He nails a third high knee and then the bulldog but it’s blocked. Show misses a splash in the corner and finally goes down.

Punk hits the elbow drop from the top but Show kicks out at 2. Punk springboards in but Show catches him with a huge chokeslam but Punk gets his foot on the bottom rope at the 2 count. Show takes Punk to the corner and works on his ribs. Show with big body shots now. Show pushes the referee down and gets disqualified.

Winner by DQ: CM Punk

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