Monday 16 July 2012

REPORT : WWE Money in the bank 2012

Hunico and Camacho vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Truth strikes first and tags in Kofi for a bit of double teaming. Kofi leaps in and gets a 1 count. Hunico fights back but Kofi stops him and goes for another pin attempt. Truth tags back in and they double team Hunico some more. Truth drops a big leg drop for another 2 count. Hunico turns it around and Camacho gets in a cheap shot before tagging in.Camacho comes in and works over Truth before tagging Hunico back in. Truth tries to fight back but Hunico drops him. 

Truth gets in a kick to the face and both men go down. Truth tags in and Kofi leaps in high to take out Hunico. Camacho goes down next. Kofi unloads on Hunico and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise but Hunico ducks it and kicks out his leg. 

Hunico dumps Kofi to the floor but he fights back in. Kofi gets hung up on the ropes by Camacho. Hunico with a dropkick and a tag to Camacho. Camacho nails a big back body drop and taunts Truth. Camacho with a leg drop on Kofi for 2.
Hunico gets in a cheap shot as the challengers keep control. Hunico tags back in with a big kick to the face. Hunico takes Kofi to the mat with a headlock now. Hunico stops a pin and powerbombs Kofi for a close 2 count. Hunico with more offense in the corner. 

Kofi comes back and hits a big hurricanrana from the corner. Truth tags in as does Camacho. Truth with a pair of clotheslines and a big powerslam. Truth with a big DDT and a 2 count as Hunico breaks the pin. Kofi comes in and hits Trouble in Paradise on Hunico. Truth drops Camacho on his face for the win.

Winners: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Title Shot: Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow vs. Santino Marella vs. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Tensai vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Sin Cara

The bell rings and everyone goes at it. Tensai takes some guys out and dumps Santino to the floor early on. Tensai brings a ladder in the ring where Christian and Kidd are down. Tensai brings another ladder in as Sakamoto watches from ringside. Tensai stomps on Kidd and lays a ladder in in the corner. 

Tensai catapults Kidd under the ladder and knocks him out. Tensai sets up a ladder under thebriefcase but Christian stops him. Tensai splashes Christian and puts a ladder on him int he corner. Kidd hits Tensai from behind with a ladder and Christian hits from the front with a ladder. 

They double team Tensai and clothesline him with a ladder. Everyone else is still out on the floor. Tensai gets dumped to the floor and Kidd goes at it with Christian now. Kidd goes out and Christian climbs up but Santino meets him on the ladder. They trade shots under the briefcase and Kidd climbs up. They all fight but Sandow tips the ladder over and stomps away.

Ziggler and Cody come in and go at it now. Ziggler whips Cody into a ladder and he goes down. Ziggler misses the leg drop and Cody kicks him in the gut. Cara comes in and takes them both out. Cara with kicks and a hurricanrana on Cody, sending him out to the floor. Ziggler goes to the top but Cara stops him. Cara drops Ziggler by his arm from the top rope and Ziggler goes to the floor. 

Kidd comes in and hits a neckbreaker on Cara. They trade holds and Cara looks to go for a pinfall. Cara slams Kidd on a ladder and climbs up to the top rope. Christian pushes Cara off to the floor. Christian goes for a frogsplash on Kidd ontop of the ladder but Kidd moves and Christian lands hard. Cody comes in and goes at it with Kidd. Kidd ducks a Disaster Kick and it hits Sandow. 

Kidd leaps in with a dropkick on Cody, sending him back to the floor. Kidd climbs up but Tensai stops him. Santino climbs up but Tensai grabs him. Tensai has a powerbomb botched but tosses Santino out to the floor. Kidd climbs up again but this time Tensai grabs him for a powerbomb. Kidd takes Tensai down with a headscissors and they both fall to the floor. Sandow climbs for the briefcase but Cara stops him. Sandow beats Cara down and climbs back up.

Christian stops Sandow and almost gets the briefcase but Sandow pulls him down. Sandow blocks Killswitch and pulls Christian down again. Sandow beats Christian some more and goes to slam him on a ladder but Christian blocks it and hits an inverted DDT. Christian goes to spear Sandow into a ladder and finally hits it after some back and forth. Christian climbs up again but Ziggler and Cody interrupt him. They pull him down hard and he rolls out to the floor. Cody and Ziggler climb up at the same time and trade shots on top of the ladder. 

Tensai pulls Ziggler down and knocks Cody off then out of the ring. Tensai climbs up the ladder but Kidd meets him at the top. Kidd knocks him off but Santino grabs his leg. Cara climbs up but Tensai knocks him off and fights Santino off. Christian hits Tensai with a ladder shot. Santino and Christian double team Tensai with ladder shots now. The feed cuts out but comes back on with Christian and Ziggler on top of the ladder. Kidd sets up a ladder as does Sandow. 

Kidd leaps over and powerbombs Ziggler hard to the mat from the ladder. Sandow and Christian go at it. Sandow knocks him off and climbs up but can’t make it. Christian knocks Sandow in the head with a ladder. They both tumble out to the floor.

Tensai slams Cara hard on a ladder propped up at ringside. Ziggler comes over but Tensai tosses him hard onto the announcers chairs. Cody drops Tensai with a Disaster Kick. Kidd and Cody climb up for the briefcase but end up on the mat after a spear from Christian to Cody. Christian and Santino climb up now. Christian knocks Santino off and reaches for the briefcase. He can’t get a hold on it. Ziggler runs up and knocks Christian off. Ziggler grabs the briefcase and wins the match.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

World Heavyweight Title Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus

They lock up and Del Rio smacks Sheamus. Sheamus beats him down in the corner and is forced to back off. Del Rio comes back and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Sheamus takes it back to the corner and beats Del Rio down again. More back and forth. Del Rio works on the arm. Sheamus drops Del Rio with a knee to the head for a 2 count. Sheamus with more knees and another pin attempt.

Del Rio ends up hung on the ropes. Sheamus throws him into the outside of corner and suplexes him in from the apron. Sheamus goes to the top and hits the battering ram for a 2 count. Sheamus brings it back in but is distracted by Ricardo. Sheamus gets kicked by Del Rio and he falls to the floor. Del Rio comes out and slams the injured arm of Sheamus into the steps. 

Del Rio throws Sheamus into the fan barrier and brings it back in the ring. Del Rio climbs to the top and comes down with a forearm for a 2 count. Del Rio goes back to the arm now. More back and forth, another 2 count for Del Rio. 

Del Rio goes back to work on the arm and beats Sheamus down. Del Rio with another 2 count. Del Rio with another arm submission. Del Rio with kicks now. 
Another arm lock but Sheamus fights out. Del Rio runs into a big boot after a headbutt and gets caught with a swinging neckbreaker. Sheamus with a clothesline but Del Rio comes right out of the corner and goes for another pin attempt.

They brawl and Sheamus runs into the ring post. Del Rio with another big kick and a 2 count. Del Rio with more kicks and a headbutt to send Sheamus back down. Del Rio goes for the cross armbreaker but Sheamus blocks it. Sheamus ends up on the apron. He tries to come in with the battering ram but Del Rio catches him with an armbreaker for a 2 count. 

Del Rio taunts Sheamus now. Sheamus picks him up and rams him back into the corner. Sheamus with a running knee lift and a big powerslam for 2. Sheamus takes Del Rio on the apron and hits the big forearm shots to the chest.
Del Rio grabs the arm and slams it over the top rope to come back in the ring. Sheamus catches him with the Irish Curse backbreaker for a 2 count. Sheamus picks Del Rio up but he slides out. Del Rio with a kick to the face. Sheamus side steps another cross armbreaker. 

Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but gets hung on the rope. Del Rio with the armbreaker for another close 2 count. Del Rio with a big kick to the gut. Del Rio waits on Sheamus to get up and misses the kick tot he back of the head. Sheamus hits White Noise and gets ready to put Del Rio away. The crowd chants “Brogue” before Sheamus nails the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Primo and Epico

Titus starts off with Epico. AW is mic’d up at ringside again and we hear him cheering his team on. Epico takes Titus to the corner but he fights out. Primo tags in and they double dropkick Titus. Titus ends up tagging in and Young goes at it with Primo. Epico sends Young out to the floor and Primo leaps out onto him. Titus gets dumped and Epico leaps out onto them all. Epico brings Young back in the ring and covers for 2.

Young turns it around on Epico and tags in Titus. Titus overpowers Epico and takes a shot at Primo. Titus tosses Epico out to the floor and AW asks the fans to give an applause for his team. Titus rams Epico into the ring post and rolls him back into the ring. Titus slams Epico hard and tags back in Young. 

Titus suplexes Young onto Epico. Young keeps control of Epico and works him over on the apron. Titus tags back in and bends Epico around the ring post. Titus with a backbreaker and a big fallaway slam for a 2 count as Primo breaks it up. Titus whips Epico to the corner as AW makes a Taco Bell joke and tricks Rosa into dancing. Epico and Titus both go down but tag in Young and Primo. They go at it. 

Titus gets knocked off the apron. Primo with a big chop from the top on Young. Primo with more offense and a splash off the second rope for 2. Primo dropkicks Young into the ropes and jumps onto him. Primo springboards back in but Young catches him in mid-air with knees to the face. Young looks to put him away but Primo gets the win after a quick roll up.

Winners: Primo and Epico

No DQ Match for the WWE Title: Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk

The bell rings and they go at it. They end up on the floor early and Punk hits Bryan with big chops and rams him into the apron. Bryan whips Punk into the barrier and hits some chops of his own. Bryan brings it back in the ring and drops a knee on Punk. 

Bryan chants yes as he kicks Punk over and over. Punk rolls Bryan up out of nowhere for 2. Punk fights Bryan into the corner with knees to the gut. Punk with more chops in the corner. Bryan turns it around and rakes at Punk’s face. Bryan with more chops and yes chants. Punk fires back with chops and now they’re trading them. They switch to kicks but Punk drops Bryan with an uppercut.

Punk with a knee to the back but he looks at AJ and Bryan turns it around. Bryan with a series of kicks on Punk. Bryan with a 1 count. Bryan applies a submission as AJ checks on Punk. Bryan drops Punk with a shoulder and they run the ropes. Punk connects with a dropkick and Bryan rolls out to the floor. Punk runs and suicide dives through the ropes, taking Bryan out. 

Punk gets up on the barrier and poses for the fans. Punk fights Bryan towards the entrance area. They block each others suplexes. Punk slaps Bryan into the fan barrier on the entrance way. Punk brings Bryan back in the ring. Bryan shoves Punk into AJ and she falls down at ringside. Punk comes out to check on her and Bryan attacks from behind.

Bryan throws Punk into the steel steps and goes to check on AJ. Trainers are also out checking on her. They walk AJ back to the back and a new referee comes out as Bryan kicks away on Punk at ringside. Bryan runs off the apron and tackles Punk on the floor. Bryan drops Punk over the steel steps and hits him with more kicks. Bryan whips Punk hard into the fan barrier. Bryan charges but Punk dumps him over and into the timekeeper’s area. Punk sits Bryan up on the barrier. Punk leaps up and clotheslines Bryan off and they both go to the floor.

The crowd chants for tables now. Punk pulls one out from under the ring and they pop. Bryan attacks from behind and slams Punk on the floor. Bryan pulls out a kendo stick from under the ring and chants yes. Punk avoids the first kendo shot and the second. Punk rolls in the ring and waits for Bryan to enter with the stick. Bryan connects with the stick and enters the ring. Pun ducks and takes it. Bryan hits Punk before he can use it and the stick goes to the mat. They go at it and Bryan catches Punk in mid-air with a kendo stick shot as he leaps in with a clothesline. Bryan with a 2 count. Bryan whips Punk over and over in the back with the kendo stick now.

Bryan covers for a 2 count. Bryan takes Punk back to the corner and rakes at his face. Bryan with kicks in the corner and a snap suplex. Bryan leaps off the top with a headbutt but Punk rolls out of the way. They trade kicks and forearms in the middle of the ring. Punk with clotheslines and a neckbreaker. 2 count for Punk. Punk with knees to the body now followed by the high knee in the corner. Bryan blocks the bulldog but Punk catches him in a powerslam for another 2 count. Punk calls for GTS now.

Bryan blocks GTS. Punk blocks the Yes Lock. Bryan blocks GTS again with a counter. Bryan kicks Punk in the head for a close 2 count. Bryan with another kendo stick shot. Punk blocks a submission and wails away on Bryan with the kendo stick. Punk makes it up and climbs to the top rope. Bryan cuts him off and climbs up for a superplex. Bryan nails it but has trouble getting up. AJ comes running to the ring and tells the other referee to get out.

AJ skips around the ring as both men are down. She brings a steel chair in, sits it in the middle of the ring and steps back smiling. Bryan and Punk go for the chair but Bryan grabs it first. He unloads on Punk with chairshots but only gets a 2 count. Bryan gets upset with her count. He talks to her but Punk rolls him up from behind for a 2 count. Bryan pleads with AJ some more and unloads on Punk with kicks, saying these are for her. Bryan beats Punk down with a ton of kicks in the corner as AJ looks on. Bryan charges in the corner but Punk comes out with a big clothesline. 

Punk grabs the chair now and wails away on Bryan with it. Punk wedges the chair in the corner but AJ stands in front of it as Punk grabs Bryan. Punk tells her to move. She does when he walks over but Bryan attacks and dropkicks Punk into the corner. Dueling chants from the crowd now. Bryan goes for the kendo stick but AJ steps on it and laughs. Bryan turns around to a big shot from Punk. Punk scoops Bryan with the chair and slams him on it. Punk climbs to the top for an elbow drop but Bryan moves and Punk lands on the chair. Bryan goes for the Yes Lock but Punk crawls. Bryan grabs the kendo stick and uses it for leverage in the Yes Lock. AJ checks on Punk as Bryan screams yes. Punk fights out of the hold by using the kendo stick. Punk catapults Bryan into the corner and then catches him with GTS. Punk goes for the cover but Bryan kicks out at 2.

Punk goes to the floor and brings a table in the ring. He lays Bryan on top of it and beats on him some more. Punk climbs to the top for the elbow drop but Bryan rolls off the table and stops Punk before he can jump. Bryan with right hands and a kick to the face. Bryan climbs up with Punk but Punk counters and drops Bryan between his legs on the top turnbuckle. Punk climbs back up and hits Bryan with elbows. Punk hits a huge backdrop from the top, sending Bryan crashing through the table. AJ counts and Punk gets the win.

Winner: CM Punk

Ryback vs. Tyler Reks and Cut Hwkins

We go to the ring and out comes the team of Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins. Ryback is out next. He starts with Hawkins and controls most of the match. They run around the ring and back in where Reks gets involved. Reks drops Ryback and goes for a pin but doesn’t get a count. Reks unloads on Ryback and keeps him on the mat for a minute.

Hawkins comes in for some double teaming. Hawkins takes control and tags Reks back in. Another quick tag and more double teaming on Ryback. Hawkins with a 1 count. Ryback catches Hawkins with a huge slam. Reks comes in but Ryback runs over him several times. 

Ryback takes it to the corner for shoulder thrusts. He scoops Ryback up and just drops him on the mat. Hawkins runs in but Ryback slams him and hits a huge powerbomb. Ryback tosses Hawkins out to the floor and drops Reks with a clothesline. Ryback scoops Reks and drops him with Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina Snuka vs. Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Eve Torres

Natalya starts off with Tamina and they go at it. Natalya drops her with a shoulder and poses. They run the ropes and Tamina slams Natalya then hits a clothesline. Kaitlyn tags in and hits a backbreaker on Natalya for a 2 count. Natalya runs to the corner and hugs Beth before tagging her in. Beth and Kaitlyn meet in the middle of the ring. Beth slaps her. Kaitlyn slaps back and Eve is tagged in. 

Kaitlyn drops Eve and then hits Natalya. Kaitlyn with a crossbody on Eve for a 2 count. Kaitlyn runs into an elbow and Eve drops her coming out of the corner. Eve with a 1 count. Eve with a headlock now. Beth comes back in to work on Kaitlyn some more. Beth runs and leaps at Kaitlyn but she moves. 

Layla tags in and goes at it with Beth. Beth with a crossbody out of the corner for a 2 count. Beth ducks a kick and presses Layla high over her head. Layla slides down for a roll up but Natalya breaks it. Kaitlyn comes in and takes out Natalya. All 6 Divas are going at it now. It comes down to Tamina superkicking Beth. Layla takes advantage and drops Beth for the win.

Winners Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina

Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a WWE Title Shot: Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. Big Show vs. John Cena vs. The Miz

The bell rings and everyone goes at it. They end up on the floor except for Cena and Show. Cena knocks Show out of the ring and he tumbles out with him. Miz climbs up for the briefcase but Cena runs back in and stops him. Show comes in and takes out Cena and Miz. Show knocks Jericho off the apron. Show tosses a ladder from the ring out into Jericho and the floor. Kane and Show go at it now. Kane goes for the big DDT but Show catches him for a scoop slam. Miz comes in but Show knocks him out of the air and back to the floor.

Jericho with a Codebreaker but Miz with a DDT. Cena and Show end up on the floor. Cena takes Show and puts him through a table with an Attitude Adjustment. Everyone else comes over and buries Show under a huge pile of ladders. Jericho decks Kane with a ladder. Jericho and Miz go at it in the ring now. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho and Miz reaches for the ropes and then taps out. Jericho tightens the hold but breaks it to dropkick a ladder into Kane. Jericho with a suplex on Miz. 

Jericho sets a ladder in the corner but knocks Cena off the apron with it first. Miz climbs up for the briefcase but Jericho stops him. Jericho whips Miz face first into a ladder. Jericho climbs up the ladder but Cena stops him. Cena knocks Jericho to the floor. Miz stops Cena from getting the briefcase and climbs up. Kane comes in and tips the ladder over. Kane climbs up for the briefcase but can’t get it. Miz and Jericho double suplex Kane on top of a ladder. Cena comes back in and takes Jericho and Miz down with shoulders. Cena slams Miz on a ladder and does the same with Jericho.

Cena hits a double Five Knuckle Shuffle on Jericho and Miz. Kane gets involved but all of them get sent to the floor on ladders except Jericho. Jericho goes out and slams a ladder onto Miz. Jericho brings a ladder back in and climbs up for the briefcase. Show finally appears from under the pile of ladders and he’s pissed. Show comes in and tears the ladder apart with Jericho on it. Show tears a ladder up and throws a couple onto Kane. Cena comes in as Show continues to throw ladders at people. Show goes to work on Cena now. Show puts a ladder on Cena and splashes into it.

Show has cleared the ring of normal ladders now. He goes under the ring and brings out a huge super strength ladder. It’s a big one as Show struggles for a moment bringing it in the ring. Show finally positions the ladder and begins to climb it. Kane comes in and meets Show on the ladder. They trade shots and grab each other for a chokeslam. Show knocks Kane off with a big knockout punch. Cena runs up on the ladder but Show knocks him off with a headbutt. Jericho attacks Show from behind with a steel chair. Show falls off the ladder and Jericho continues with chairshots. Cena and Jericho climb up now. They reach for the briefcase and fight it out up high. Cena goes for an AA but Jericho slides on his back and applies a sleeper hold on the ladder.

Cena powers up to the top of the ladder with Jericho on his back. Cena looks to pass out at the top of the ladder with the sleeper hold still applied. Miz climbs up the other side but Jericho punches him to the mat. Cena comes to but falls to the mat. Jericho goes for the briefcase but Miz meets him. They both grab for it and struggle. Miz tries for a superplex from way up high but it doesn’t happen. Big Show climbs up the ladder now as Jericho reaches for the briefcase. Show and Jericho lock eyes at the top. A knockout punch sends Jericho to the mat. Down goes Miz. Cena runs up and uses the briefcase on Show as a weapon. Cena grabs the briefcase to win and knocks Show off the ladder with it.

Winner: John Cena

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